Theia World News

In unserem Blog finden Sie Beiträge von unseren   Netzwerkpartnern und auch von uns. 

Just some news about the founder of THEIA

It was an exciting last year that started with an award as OUSTANDING LEADER in Dubia and ended even more exciting. Anja Tollhausen Carron was awarded as WOMAN of the DECADE by  WEC,  WICCI India, and G100 global Women Leaders Alliance. Moreover, she got honored by the Rai University with the title of Doctor Honoris Causa in Philosophy. 

THEIA wird erneut gefördert.  

Die Deutsche Stiftung für Engagement und Ehrenamt (DSSE) förder THEIA INTERNATIONAL mit einem neuen Projekt. Mehr in wenigen Tagen. 

Martina Straten Show auf RADIO SALÜ

 Spannende Themen und interessante Gäste - das und viele weitere Highlights gehören zu der Martina Straten Show auf RADIO SALÜ. 

28.08.2021: Anja Carron - Theia International 

 Anja Carron ist Gründerin und Präsidentin von Theia International. Dort bietet man jungen Menschen die Möglichkeit Erfahrungen zu machen. Innerhalb von Programmen internationaler Experten. Mit Martina sprach sie über Chancen, Komfortzonen und Karrieren. 

Podcast Folge mit Anja Carron - PODCAST LINK 

G100 Global Chair for Circular Economy

A great Honour and a great chance to build up a global network of leading women in the different fields of the circular economies.  G-100 is an eminent group of top 100 Women Leaders worldwide including Nobel Laureates, former Heads of States, Ministers coming together in a purposeful pact to impact millions of women. Supported by ALL, WEF, SHEconomy, WICCI. 

Follow the Stars with our Theia Role Model Mathilde Lordet (FR)


New Theia video series for social entrepreneurs and students with unique insights by Theia International "Role Models for a New Leadership in Sustainable Economy" . Young New Leaders from different countries share their insights about reaching out for their stars in an authentic, human-centered, and eco-aware way. Our first role model, Mathilde Lordet, is a young fashion brand leader with a global mindset and at the same time deeply rooted in her region and country. Born in the South of France, Mathilde graduated as a textile designer at ESDAC in Aix en Provence, then joined the Atelier Chardon Savard in Paris and became a stylist, working with several Parisian houses such as #SHOUROUK or Emanuel UNGARO. With her original creations, 100% made in France, Mathilde wants to bring a new vision of clothing that is halfway between textile and jewellery. With pop and offbeat influences, her prints feature unexpected colour harmonies and a graphic style based on diversity. 

and one of the 100 most innovative  GERMAN projects selected by startsocial  

Anja Carron President and Founder of 
Theia International: 

Nomination for the Marion Dönhoff Price and 
awarded as 100 Top Leader in Global Education (Dubai) 

Nominierung für den Marion Dönhoff Preis der Zeit-Stiftung für Frieden und Verständigung im Hamburg, Dezember 2019 

Global Education - Global Mindset 

Interview with Anja Carron about her experiences and approach regarding a new concept of global education. 

Our Partner Soulify

Siddharth Maskeri 

We are happy to start our first live e-Training for young people with  Siddharth Maskeri. 

Siddharth is a visionary, revolutionary storyteller-animation filmmaker and healer driven to spread happiness and togetherness through his thought-provoking, evolutionary, unifying, and humanifying stories. Siddharth took a conscious leap from the field of microbiology into the field of storytelling and animation. He made his debut to Indian Cinema with his story – Masti Express. After a decade of experience, he was sponsored by the French Embassy to visit the acclaimed animation festival Annecy to share his stories with the international market. Enko The Eskimo – a kids’ animated series co-produced with Emmy Nominated Writer Mike Blum has been under development with a leading broadcaster in the USA. The versatile creator, storyteller, and producer is also co-producing an animated series along with Toonz Media Group, Assemblage Entertainment, and Citrus Ink Studios. He has directed interactive experiences for Bihar Museum – India’s first interactive museum in Patna. He has designed characters for Get My Goat – a Dreamworks YouTube animated series. . His love for sharing the art of story ideation, visualization and 3D animation have provided a healthy ground for students across several animation schools across India such as National Institute of Design, Whistling Woods and MAAC

Khoya Chappal (The Lost Slippers)

We start action for happy kids 

The committed young team of THEIA FELLOWS around THEIA founder Anja Carron (Dipl.- Jur. Univ., Top 100 World Leader in Global Education) wants to give the young members of our society more than one voice. With their worldwide video competition "ACTION FOR HAPPY KIDS" (A4HK), they want to inspire kids to think about what makes them happy, how they imagine a world for happy children and give them a forum to make a difference themselves.

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To be heard and understood - but how?

The #actionforhappykids video competition starts NOW and the closing date for entries is Wednesday, the 15th of April at 6 pm.  Five prizes of 200 EUR each with a total value of 1.000 EUR (donated by the Sparkasse Leverkusen) and a special prize will be raffled among all worldwide entries. Legal recourse is excluded. The winners* will be announced in February 2021 via Facebook @ACTION FOR HAPPY KIDS and the website

Children and young people (5 to 18 years) can take part in the competition by posting their video messages with #actioforhappykids on their own social media pages, thus providing important impulses for further actions and offers. They can become ACTION FOR HAPPY KIDS ambassadors* and actively build the worldwide community for happy children. According to the motto: From Kids for Kids with Kids! And here are the three questions for the video:         

1. imagine your happiest place What does it look like? 

2. imagine a world for happy kids. In your opinion, what belongs in this world and what doesn't belong?

3.  What would you do if you could make the world a place where children are happy here and now?


Anyone who wants to change the world into a place for happy kids can take part:

- High potentials from future fields and decision-makers are invited to participate as well. They can share the kids' messages through their media, invite kids to discussions and join e-events to make the views of kids and young people more heard. The THEIA team will screen all the worldwide messages and help to actively build bridges. 

- Institutions can participate and offer their platforms to the kids. 

- All international and national artists, musicians, bloggers and journalists can support the kids worldwide and help to change the world for children in a new direction. 

- Students and young professionals in the fields of social media, video, gaming, design, music and social entrepreneurship are also very welcome.


More at:

 Global Skills Discussion with 100 students of leading Universities of Assam in Dibrugarh, Indien - Anja Carron at EKAYAN  2020 


Anja Carron and Roshni Rai, Run with Roshni  Foundation. 

New School Partnerships

Willi-Graf primary school in Koblenz, Germany and Gymnasium am Stadtgarten Saarlouis (secondary school).

Anja Carron, President and Founder of Theia International and Cornelia Schlott-Grewener, Director of the Willi Graf School frame the meaningful partnership for students and teachers.

Great start of the the new partnership with the Gymnasium am Stadtgarten, Saarlouis. Theia International sucessfully continuing the Out of the Box Program with the new learders of tomorrow as global citizen. 

Sucessful Start 
Theia Global Citzenship Program

 The unique learing experience for School students in the fields of social emotional learning, sustainable education in a global context with authentic experts

View: MDR Television

Global Citizens

The Global Citzen Program Program blends Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Global Citizenship Education (GCE) and Environmental Education (EE). The core competencies from each vertical are merged and presented through hands-on, student-centered activities, which are facilitated by domain experts, with pedagogical skills. The facilitators are a part of Theia International’s global network of lighthouse organizations and/or have taken part in THEIA’s Cross-Over Cross-Culture program. Facilitators present their first-hand experiences through storytelling, photos, demonstrations and practical activities to bring the concepts that students learn in their books to life. 

Leaders of Tomorrow

The broader the awareness and capabilities of children now, the brighter the future! From October 14th – 18th, as part of Theia International’s,  OUT OF THE BOX Program with the Leaders of Tomorrow school outreach project.  Daniel Rudolph, the THEIA Facilitor from India conducted sessions with teachers and students from Willi-Graf primary school in Koblenz, Germany. 

The sessions were focused on enabling the children develop awareness and practical skills around emotional self-regulation, gratitude, environmental conservation and sustainable exercise. In each session students explored examples from different cultures around the globe. Daniel felt that the “Students being exposed to multiple perspectives and different ways of doing things increased their ability to reflect more deeply on their personal experiences, which naturally enhanced their curiosity, creativity, criticality and adaptability.”. 



Each session was accompanied with different breathing practices and/or brain exercises for the students to practice and develop on their own. The students concluded that these practices could be used in a wide range of situations to calm themselves down or re-gain focus. One fourth grade girl, when reflecting on one of the visualization practices, explained “I felt safe when I was doing this activity. It brought me closer to my loved ones.”. Others reported that the breathing practices made them feel “relaxed” and “calm”.  Throughout the sessions the students were regularly reminded that they have the capability to always feel safe and calm themselves down when they need to.

The Leaders of Tomorrow Project, which is adapted from Theia’s revolutionary Nexus Unique Leadership Program, is just one of the many unique programs that is offered by Theia International. 

Theia and Lady Bamford Foundation

New Partner in our Program Cross Over Cross Culture India,  Cluster Sustainable Fashion

We start in June 2019 our fist partnership with the Lady Bamford Foundation (GB), the Nila House in Jaipur, India for the student program in sustainable fashion. 
“If your plan is for one year, plant rice. If your plan is for ten years, plant trees. If your plans is for one hundred years, educate children” Confucius.

"I have always believed that education is the key to a healthy future. With the necessary guidance children and young people can be inspired to care, given access to discover and handed the tools to learn.

It was with education in mind that we launched the Lady Bamford Charitable Trust in India", Lady Carol Bamford.

Lady Bamford  Trust

Anuj Sharma, Button Masala Most inspiring new Partner 

His philophy and vison is inspiring and life changing. We are extremly happy to work out new projects with him.   
Fashion designer Anuj Sharma (IND) works mainly in areas of craft development and sustainability. Sharma’s other areas include teaching fashion and understanding human behaviour with the help of fashion. He has previously shown collection in Japan, UK, Sweden, and Bangladesh. 

Anuj Sharma has come up with a unique method to construct clothes without any machine, tools or stitches technique. It is titled Button Masala. The method has led to the Button Masala collection, which has been shown internationally for e.g. as part of the travelling exhibition Connecting Concepts by Dutch design DFA, and part of the exhibition Bliss at the Taiwan design expo 2011. He has taught the technique of Button Masala to over 20000 people across the world.

Learn more about Button Masala 

Theia and Honey Bee Network India, Summer School June 2019  

We are honoured that we participe as the first European Foundation with our Student in the summer school program run by Anil Gupta , Honey Bee Network.

During my stay in Ahmedabad I had the chance to share insights and visions  with Anil Gupta and his excelent team.  Personally Iam thankful for  his encouragement and personal support.


Prof. Anil Kumar Gupta ist der Gründer des Honey Bee Network und war Professor am Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. Außerdem hat er den Executive Vice Chair der National Innovation Foundation inne.

Seit vielen Jahren ist Anil Gupta den unbekannten Innovatoren  auf der Spur - indische Unternehmer, deren Einfallsreichtum, wenn nicht von der Armut verdeckt, das Leben vieler Menschen verändern könnte. Er zeigt auf, wie das Honey Bee Network ihnen hilft, die Beziehungen aufzubauen, die sie brauchen - und die Anerkennung bekommen, die sie verdienen.


"Die Klimakrise ist ein Symptom eines pathologischen Systems. Sehr viele Erwachsene regen sich darüber auf, dass Jugendliche für ihren Protest die Schule schwänzen. Dabei sehen sie nicht, dass genau diese Institutionen auch problematisch sind. Wir lernen in einem Bildungssystem aus dem letzten Jahrhundert, das auf Autorität und strikte Pläne setzt. Wir verbringen Jahre damit, Faktenwissen zu schlucken, das jeder Computer schon heute schneller, lückenloser und detaillierter ausspucken kann. Warum lernen wir Dinge, in denen wir gegen allgegenwärtige Maschinen immer nur verlieren? Stattdessen müsste das gefördert werden, was uns Menschen gegenüber diesen Maschinen auszeichnet: kritisches Denken, Teamarbeit, Kreativität, Empathie." ( Franziska Heinisch)  

Und genau das machen wir, wir nehmen diese Generation ernst. Sie  gestalten die Programme mit und lernen genau das , was sie hier fordern, wenn sie dazu bereit. (Anja Carron)

Successful Start of our School Program 

Theia "Leaders of Tomorrow"

THEIA Program Leaders of Tomorrow (LoT) 
Primary School Students’ Soft-Skills through a series of sessions focused on intercultural awareness. Start 26th of March,  Follow up in October 2019, GER, FR, CH

The LoT program falls under Theia International’s umbrella of programs, which are designed to help lead the upcoming generation out of their comfort zones and equip them with the skills and understanding needed to find new solutions for a humanitarian future. Although the LoT program focuses on school-aged children, many of Theia’s other programs are targeted to help develop university students or recent graduates from Generation Z. 

In the sessions the students will learn about different countries and cultures around the world through exploring the experiences of students in those different countries. When learning about students from these countries they will be given a chance to reflect on their own experiences, as primary school students in Germany, and explore the similarities and differences between them and the students from the different countries. The content delivered in the workshop will support the children in broadening their worldviews, developing soft skills, such as compassion and empathy and developing practical hard-skills, such as breathing practices and stretches. 

Experience from our Fellow, Program Developer and Teacher from India

The experience confirmed an important learning, “When worrying about the future we often create problems that do not exist, thus we spend our time and energy trying to find imaginary solutions.” As we discussed the other day, these confirmations are very important. The more we confirm our learnings the more we are able to embody them. The wider the range of contexts that we find the same learning the be true the closer we come to understanding universal truths. As we continue to uncover universal truths, they become simpler and simpler.

Being in the school reminded me about how much I loved schools and that schools are such entryways into new countries, usually having a high concentration of kind conscientious people (teachers) and curious, free spirited people without highly developed egos or expectations (children). This has been a reoccurring experience for me spending time in schools in many different countries. Also, through talking with and observing the teachers and students it usually leads to a much fuller understanding of the current state of affairs in the community or culture. Ultimately schools are microcosms of society. "

Catherine ALLIE

 Allié's apparel company makes garments from natural fibers farmed, spun, woven, and dyed in rural India. The company hand processes all its materials, making its clothing in Leipzig. She is one of our partners in India for the Theia-Cross Over Cross Culture project, which is in the planning for May 2019.  

Dr. Andy Lewis

Andy is one of the most skilled and widely traveled ecotourism professionals in the Indo-Pacific region. Andy has a PhD in coral reef ecology from James Cook University and has extensive experience in scuba diving, surfing and kiteboarding in tropical locations. An expert underwater photographer and engaging public speaker, Andy’s passion for the reefs, islands and people of the South-Pacific is tangible, and drives the development of the Coral Sea Foundation as a platform for delivering his vision for sustainable reef management and the ultimate marine ecotourism experience.

We welcome Andy as project partner. His extraordinary experience will help us to bridge important experiences. 

THEIA: The value of memory in virtual times...

Why should we do real experiences? Why leaving the comfort zone? Why asking questions that stir you up?  What will people remember when their experiences are mainly virtual?  And if experience becomes mainly  virtual, is man still aware in episodic remembrance that he remembers, and can he distinguish the re-experience of fiction from reality?As far as we know today only in episodic memory do human beings  become aware of subjective time. In any case, time as an objective category only makes sense through memory: if we could not remember, there would be no sense of the past, if everything were present, if man has no sense of the future - what about innovation and creativity? What about consciousness and self-awareness? 

THEIA: Importance of experiences out of the zone comfort

Why it is important to make experiences which are challenging young people to leave their zone of comfort?

Physiologically and psychologically humans grow through tension and eustress. Thus, exposing people to situations where they are challenged and forced to come up with solutions, they will be forced to grow.

Exposing people to situations where their favorite things are not available, they find new favorite things. This applies to food, material items, people, comforts etc. For example, when you are running for a long time it is extremely pleasurable to walk, and when you are walking for a long time it is extremely pleasurable to sit, and so on. When pushed to the limit, you appreciate things more, which you may have otherwise disliked. When this is applied to material items, you build compassion and understanding for people that do not have the material items. For example, when in a hot country where people do not use air conditioning due to lack of money or energy, you learn to appreciate a fan, and how to live in a hot environment without air conditioning. You also learn that air conditioning is a luxury and not a necessity.

It does not stop there. When returning to a place where air conditioning is the norm, you look at people’s use of air conditioning differently. You are more aware of it. You begin to think about your use of air conditioning and you begin to question others. 

The latter is the tricky part. For us,  we choose to lead through action and not explicitly question people. When we do explicitly question people it is strategically timed, based on the other person’s interest, and done with love and compassion. Without this it is seen as judgement and often leads to further separation and disconnection. Air conditioning is just one example, but this could apply to many things. 

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Discovering the courage 

Rigsby said in his speech. “Wisdom comes to you from the unlikeliest of sources, often from failure. The person that gets up off the canvas and keeps growing, that’s the person that will grow their influence.” 

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Change ist about...
Buchtip: Warren Berger:  A More beautiful question - The Power of Inquiry to spark breakthrough ideas, Bloomsbury New York-London

THEIA: Aha-Effect

What is needed for an aha effect in learning (open eyes, head and heart effect ) what do we need to translate this effect into sustainable competences?

For an aha moment to occur someone needs to be free from stress, worry and anxiety. They need to have the present awareness to take in the learning. 

To translate these learnings into sustainable competencies opportunities for reflections, focused conversations and opportunities to experiment with their learnings are needed. Reflections can happen individually, with a group or with a Theia mentor. 

Individual reflection and journaling is important to realize and organize ideas. But, reflection, in isolation can be detrimental and create false perceptions of self and abilities. Often, people develop ideas and they sit in their head for a long time, then when they voice them they find out that they do not complete sense or they became aware of the flaws in them. It

Is necessary to voice your ideas to other people. Other people may have the same ideas from different contexts. They may have differing ideas. Either way their experiences can help you to better understand yours. Similarly, talking to someone who is a good listener can help you to better understand your thoughts. When people ask questions it forces you to assess your thoughts and further analyze them.

Similarly, if you only talk about your ideas but never put them into action then, besides sharing them with others, they do not result in any practical application or change. They are simply become empty thoughts. When you put your ideas in to action you can really see their worth. A lot of ideas are ideological and out of line with reality, thus when they get implemented it is realized that the systems or people are not ready or able to accommodate them. 

This allows you to learn from your aha moments and then refine them and use them to make a real change. This applies to personal, organizational and institutional developments. 

Simply put; Words speak louder than thoughts and actions, speak louder than words. 

THEIA: How Millennials Became the Burnout Generation 

by Anne Helen Petersen

 But as millennials enter into mid-adulthood, that prognosis has been proven false. Financially speaking, most of us lag far behind where our parents were when they were our age. We have far less saved, far less equity, far less stability, and far, far more student debt. The “greatest generation” had the Depression and the GI Bill; boomers had the golden age of capitalism; Gen-X had deregulation and trickle-down economics. And millennials? We’ve got venture capital, but we’ve also got the 2008 financial crisis, the decline of the middle class and the rise of the 1%, and the steady decay of unions and stable, full-time employment. 

The Art of Learning 

THEIA: Josh Waitzkin, Art of Learning 


In The Art of Learning  Josh reveals his unique systems of thematic learning, idea generation,  building resilience, and mastering the art of performance psychology.

Have a look at the video;-)

Josh verbindet viel mit dem Theia Ansatz. Er ist hoch talentiert und in seiner ersten Karriere hat er funktioniert und war unter einem unglaublichen Druck zu gewinnen. Bis er etwas fand, wo er als nobody komplett neu und unbelastet startet konnte. Er hat verstanden, dass man dann erfolgreich ist, wenn man versteht, seien Fähigkeiten immer wieder in neue  Bereiche zu übertragen und dabei zu wachsen.  Doch dazu musste er zunächst seine "Komfortzone" verlassen. (AC) 

Eduardo Briceño, Mindset Works 

..."The way we understand our intelligence and abilities deeply impacts our  success.  Based on social science research and real life examples,  Eduardo Briceño articulates how mindset, or the understanding of  intelligence and abilities, is key.  

When students or adults see their  abilities as fixed, whether they think they're naturals or just not  built for a certain domain, they avoid challenge and lose interest when  things get hard.  Conversely, when they understand that abilities are  developed, they more readily adopt learning-oriented behaviors such as  deliberate practice and grit that enable them to achieve their goals." 

Have a look: 

Power of believe 

Frederic Laloux

Frederic Laloux's Reinventing Organizations is considered by many to be the most influential management book of this decade. It has inspired hundreds, probably thousands, of organizations throughout the world to take a radical leap and adopt a whole different set of management principles and practices.  

The way we think, they think, the direction we are going to change the world...let's talk about.

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Eduardo Briceño

Eduardo is the Co-Founder & CEO of Mindset Works , the leading provider of growth mindset training services and programs. He co-founded it in 2007 to help people and organizations develop learning-oriented cultures and systems. Mindset Works provides digital and in-person training services, consulting, and programs to support the development of growth mindset cultures. He is an important network partner of Theia.

Read more: mindsetworks

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Theia: Adam Grant: original thinkers

"Schreiben Sie Leute, die anders denken und anders sind als sie nicht ab, wenn sie sie nicht gleich verstehen.  Und wenn Sie selbst so anders sind, geben Sie sich auch nicht auf. Schnell anfangen und sich bei der Vollendung Zeit lassen kann Ihre Kreativität steigern. Zweifel an der Idee und die Angst, es nicht zu versuchen, können Sie motivieren. Viele schlechte Ideen sind notwendig, um einige gute zu entwickeln. Ein Original zu sein ist nicht einfach. Aber es besteht kein Zweifel: Es ist der beste Weg, die Welt  um uns herum zu verbessern." 

THEIA: Sense. Lead. Extend.

Emily Scott, senior manager at Deloitte, ans a Theia's linkedIn network partner, accurately noted that change is perpetual and that an organization’s ability to be aware of realities and foresee solutions to improve them (sense), have the courage and ability to change (lead) and then to use the tools available to bring that change to scale (extend) .

Individuals are microcosms of organizations. Genuinely successful and sustainable organizations need individuals that have the same traits. Specifically, individuals that can constantly check-in with themselves and consciously assess/ideate on how to change their actions to develop in a positive direction (sense), then have the courage and self-efficacy to break their mindless habits and change their behavior (lead) and, finally, after having developed new perspectives/practices have the ability to compassionately create/use the tools to share their learnings with others.

Theia International’s programs are designed to help individuals develop the skills to sense, lead and extend, so that they can perpetually develop themselves and become assets to the communities and organizations that they are are/will be a part of. External changes come from within. In order to develop sustainable organizations and companies we need to develop sustainable individuals.

Jurgen Apello

 I am pioneering management to help creative organizations survive and  thrive in the 21st century. My newest book is called Managing for  Happiness. I offer concrete games, tools and practices, helping people  to introduce better management, with fewer managers. I am the leader of  business network Happy Melly, author of Management 3.0, How to Change  the World and #Workout, and cofounder of the Agile Lean Europe Network. I  sometimes try to have a normal life in Rotterdam (The Netherlands) and  Brussels (Belgium). But mostly, I travel around the world, contributing  to business seminars, workshops and conferences. 

Unternehmen: Umdenken auf Augenhöhe   

Unternehmen haben heute in vielen Fällen noch 
nicht die große Chamce realisiert,  die im Anderssein 
der jungen Generation liegt: Edgar K. Geoffrey:
dazu müssen aus Unternehmen müssemit den 
Augen der Mitarbeiter völlig neu denken lernen müssen. 
Der Anspruch eines neuen Mitarbeiters ist heute ein 
ganz anderer als noch vor wenigen Jahren. 
Eine neue Generation von jungen qualifizierten 
Nachwuchskräften erwartet von einer Firma 
heute mehr als nur Karrierechancen  und Gehalt. 
Sie erwarten, sich engagieren zu können, 

selbstständig zu handeln und eigenverantwortlich 

Aufgaben zu übernehmen. Für sie geht es heute um 

„Quality Time“ während ihres Arbeitslebens und das 

wollen sie nicht an stupide Firmen verschwenden.

( Die neue Macht der Mitarbeiter, Edgar K. Geffroy)  
Das ist die eine Seite der Medaille.   

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Kim Scott: 

Radical Candor

 “Most of us left that kind of behavior behind in middle school. It’s  actually pretty rare. The vast majority of management mistakes happen in  the quadrant that I call ruinous empathy,” ...  

Great bosses have relationships with each of their employees. This  relationship is a source of growth and stability for individuals and  companies. Anywhere I’ve observed a great boss, I’ve seen the same three  principles for approaching this relationship play out. I’ll describe  these principles mostly by telling stories, some successes, but also  plenty of mistakes—mostly mine. Some are funny, some are painful, and  many are plain embarrassing, but they’re all instructive. Even if your company is nothing like the places I’m describing  (Google, Apple, Twitter) and your own boss is a control freak or petty  tyrant or simply useless, you can still adopt these three basic  principles and become a great boss yourself.

Great  having KIm in our network.

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Monika Sattler:  

How a support network is key for achieving seemingly unattainable goals

Brenn für das, was du tust. Finde heraus, wer du bist, verlass die Sicherheitszone und probiere Sachen aus. Es gibt keine Fehler, nur Erfahrungen, die einen klüger machen. Und wenn du etwas erreichen willst, dann hau alles raus, was du hast. Wenn du nie etwas ausprobierst, kannst du zwar nicht scheitern, aber auch nichts schaffen. Mit dierser Lebensphilosphie ist Monika eine wunderbare Netzwerkpartnerin für uns. 


Anuar Patjane Floriuk 

'Whale Whisperer'

 I’m a social anthropologist and photographer born in Mexico.  The best thing we can do as photographers is to give the world the tools  to create some meaning and help ourselves and others observe the  different perspectives of what we usually take for granted. 

Conservation and protection of the oceans has become an urgent issue,  and few governments and NGOs are doing something about it. With the  underwater series, I try to drive our attention towards the beauty of  our oceans and a truth usually unnoticed: We are brutally overfishing in  our oceans, and our attention should be concentrated on the way we fish  as well as what we eat from the ocean. We see and care when a forest is  gone because it is visible to everybody, but we don't see when we  destroy life underwater, we don't see how nets from the tuna, the shrimp  industry and the whaling vessels cause damage and death to the sea. We  are not familiar with this environment because we don´t see what we  destroy, and this needs to change very quickly so we can reverse this  course. By sharing the beauty of our oceans we might start to care more  and build or strengthen the connection between us and the sea.    

Trust in Talent 

Nur jedes dritte Unternehmen bietet Talenten innovative Karrierewege

Nur jedes zweite Unternehmen hat eine Strategie für sein Talent Management
Talent  Management bedeutet, dass ein Unternehmen festlegt, welche Kompetenzen  und Fähigkeiten besonders wichtig für den Unternehmenserfolg sind, die  Talente identifiziert, die diese Kompetenzen haben und diese  systematisch entwickelt, fördert und versucht langfristig zu halten. Für  diesen Prozess haben allerdings nur 55 Prozent der von Kienbaum  befragten Unternehmen eine Strategie und haben somit definiert, wer für  sie besonders erfolgsrelevant ist und gefördert werden sollte.

Unternehmen müssen sich darüber klar werden, welche Talente sie zukünftig benötigen
Die  Kienbaum-Studie zeigt: Zwei Drittel der Personalabteilungen arbeiten  immer noch mit einem sehr homogenen Talenteprofil für ihre sogenannten  High Potentials, um damit die Besetzung von vordefinierten Schlüssel-  und Führungspositionen langfristig zu sichern. Nur ein Drittel gibt an,  dass in ihrem Unternehmen grundsätzlich jeder als Talent gilt und  gefördert wird. „Das bedeutet dann nicht, dass jeder auch gleich stark  gefördert wird. Vielmehr müssen Unternehmen für sich selbst definieren,  welche Talente für sie in Zukunft relevant sind."

future + soziologie + philosophie 

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Die Ökobewegung hat den  Kapitalismus nur interpretiert. Es geht aber darum, ihn zu verändern,  sagt taz FUTURZWEI-Herausgeber Harald Welzer. Durch richtiges  Wirtschaften, nicht durch richtiges Bewusstsein. "Das Öko-Update" lautet  daher das Titelthema der neuesten Ausgabe von taz.FUTURZWEI. Es geht  darum, dass Thema im Marx-Jubiläumsjahr vom Kopf auf die Füße zu stellen  und einen Pfadwechsel des Denkens und Wirtschaftens möglich zu machen.  Harald Welzer findet entsprechend eine Öko-Bewegung mit mehr Sein als  Bewusstsein, Michael Hüther skizziert den ökologischen Rahmen einer  neuen politischen Ökonomie und Peter Reichl entlarvt dialektisch den  Irrtum, dass Digitalisierung per se ökologisch  sei.

Die Welt ist zum Verändern da

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THEIA: Was macht das gute Leben aus?

Wie konnte es dazu kommen? Peter Sloterdijk  sieht die moderne Welt im Steigerungswahn einer Losung von Karl V.  gefangen: "Plus Ultra" hatte der letzte römisch-deutsche Herrscher zu  Beginn des 16. Jahrhunderts ausgegeben. Ein  Motto, so anmaßend wie erfolgreich: Karl V. hatte das "Non" aus "non  plus ultra" gestrichen und aus: "Bis hierher und nicht weiter!" ein:  "Immer weiter" gemacht. Plus Ultra steht heute noch in der  spanischen Flagge. ...

Veränderung des Lebensstils....

THEIA: Der Wert der Erinnerung in virtuellen Zeiten...

 Warum direkte Erfahrungen machen? Warum raus aus der Komfortzone? Warum sich Fragen stellen, die einen aufwühlen?  Woran werden sich Menschen erinnern, wenn ihre Erfahrungen virtuell sind?  Was ist, wenn die Erfahrung zunehmend virtueller wird, ist der Mensch  sich dann im episodischen Erinnern noch bewusst, dass er sich erinnert,  und kann er das Nacherleben der Fiktion von der Realität unterscheiden?
  Allein in der episodischen Erinnerung wird man sich subjektiver Zeit  bewusst. Ohnehin wird Zeit als objektive Kategorie nur durch Erinnerung  sinnvoll: Könnten wir nicht erinnern, gäbe es keinen Sinn für Vergangenheit, wäre alles Gegenwart, hätte der Mensch kein Gefühl für  Zukunft. Was wird aus Innovation und Kreativität? Was wird aus Euch?

Mehr Infos: Endel Tulving und Im Bann der Erinnerung (ZEIT)  

Veränderung des Lebensstils....


Yuval Noah Harari on what the year 2050 has in store for humankind

"As the pace of change increases, the very meaning of being human is likely to mutate and physical and cognitive structures will melt"

Forget programming - the best skill to teach children is reinvention. 



Alyssa Carson 

wants to be the first person on Mars


She travels around the world to places like Madrid and Seoul, Korea,  speaking to kids her age. She gets them excited about space exploration  and encourages them to follow their own dreams. When I met her she was  speaking to 3,500 teenagers from around the world at the International  Convention of BBYO, a Jewish youth group  that focuses on leadership and social action. “We are the Mars  Generation,” she said to a hushed room. “Together, we will do anything.”  Other speakers included Scott Rogowsky, host of HQ trivia; actor Josh  Peck; and Olympic gold-medal gymnast Aly Raisman. Still,  sometimes she wants to be a normal 17-year-old. BBYO rented out  Universal’s Islands of Adventure the Saturday night of the conference.  When we rode The Incredible Hulk together there were teenagers in every  other seat. And just like them, the astronaut-in-training screamed the  entire 2-minute ride.

 She's shooting for the stars. 

THEIA: Talent 

Ein japanischer Schwertmeister würde niemals von Talent sprechen. Sondern allenfalls von Begabung. Aus der Sicht des Shintó (der Weg der Götter) oder des Bushidó ( des Weg des Kriegers) ist Talent die Summe des ewigen Bemühens, Übens und Wachsens. Ein japanisches Sprichwort sagt: erst an der Schwelle des Todes weiß ich, ob ich eins war. Was nutzt die größte Begabung, wenn ich nicht weiß, was ich damit machen soll und kann. Wenn ich nicht weiß, wie ich das Talent, dass ich habe, bilden, weiterbilden, pflegen, schleifen und mit ihm wachsen kann, damit ich es nicht aus Versehen oder aus Selbstüberschätzung verliere. Eine große Begabung oder ein Talent bedarf des Handwerkzeuges, um es lebenslang mit sich tragen – bzw.  überhaupt tragen zu können. Berühmte Bespiele wie Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston und sogar Mozart zeigen, dass es nicht ausreicht ein großes Talent oder Begabung zu haben, wenn man mit ihm in seiner Umwelt scheitert. Es bedarf also weiteren Handwerkzeuges um im Leben und im Berufsleben bestehen zu können.

Theia: Roman Herzog 1997

 "Schaffen wir ein Bildungswesen, das" (Potenziale erkennt und fördert,)  "Leistung belohnt und keinen ausschließt, Freude am Lernen vermittelt und selbst als lernendes System kreativ und entwicklungsfähig ist. Setzen wir neue Kräfte frei, indem wir bürokratische Fesseln sprengen. Entlassen wir unser Bildungssystem in die Freiheit."